Introduction to Communication Systems Simulation (Hardcover)

Introduction to Communication Systems Simulation (Hardcover)

作者: Professor Maurice Schiff
出版社: Artech House Publish
出版在: 2006-02-21
ISBN-13: 9781596930025
ISBN-10: 1596930020
裝訂格式: Hardcover
總頁數: 238 頁



Here is your one-stop resource on the essentials of communications systems
analysis and simulation. Presented in a straight forward, easy-to-understand
manner, the book provides a thorough treatment of all the important
fundamental topics such as sampling, frequency analysis, linear systems, and
filters. You gain a clear understanding of the real-world effects of computer
simulation and learn how to perform efficient bit error rate (BER)
calculations and baseband simulations.
The book presents critical modulation and demodulation
techniques and explains how to model nonlinear amplifiers and develop channel
models. From linear time invariant systems and digital detection, to baseband
pulse shaping and ultrawideband (UWB) systems, this practical reference covers
the key areas you need to understand for your communication systems simulation
work. Moreover, you find detailed examples that help you master the material
and an appendix of simulation algorithms that helps save you time on the job.

Table of

Elements of a Communication System. Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems.
Sampling. Filters. Digital Detection. Modulation. Demodulation. Baseband Pulse
Shaping. Bit Error Rate (BER) Calculations. Channel Models. Nonlinear
Amplifiers. Baseband Simulations. Ultrawideband (UWB)


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